There are multiple web hosting services to choose from. If you have been scouting, you must have encountered hosting services that are free of cost. Especially if you have a small budget, this could be tempting. However, cheap web hosting services in India does not guarantee the best of services. The service you will get from free web hosting can be quite different from its paid counterpart. Let’s take a look at what free and paid web hosting have to offer.
- What is included in free web hosting?
It is wonderful for your budget as there is no cost to be paid. However, you have to put up with ads without entirely consenting to it, as they need to make money in some way. It is better for testing especially if you’re new to this. There is no monetary loss you have to bear in case you don’t like it later. You also get to use various web apps and plugins to see which one is most compatible with your needs.
It is the perfect option if you do not have a lot of traffic or your website does not have a lot of complex programs. If you have a small website you can dabble in free hosting until it grows bigger or you want added features.
- What is included in paid web hosting?
Most paid hosting services will provide you with an uptime of 99.9%. So this ensures that your website is accessible to your customers throughout the day. It also has a positive effect on SEO rankings. You also receive better data safety as it is prioritized and advanced precautions are put in place to help keep your database secure. is a paid and cheap web hosting in India that offer better performance, speed and fast servers. They also offer technical support that can help you with any issues that might occur.
Are you looking for the best web hosting providers for your business website? Choose, one of the most affordable hosting services in India and get a free domain on shared hosting plans with lots of features.
- Additional points to keep in mind.
 1. Free comes with strings attached
Every hosting company needs an income to keep running, even a free one. This leads them to rely heavily on advertising. If you are getting hosting without having to pay a single solitary penny, chances are that you will have to put up with ads on your website for your hosting provider to earn from.
You have no say in the kind of ads that are displayed on your website pages or the number, in some cases. There is a distinct possibility of having your competitors’ products being advertised on your pages. This could have a detrimental effect on your revenue as you could lose customers to this.
Along with increasing your customer base, you are also establishing the brand of your business through your website. So the presence of irrelevant advertisements could hamper the image of your brand in the eyes of your visitors. This can be easily avoided through paid hosting. You can control every piece of content that is displayed on your website.
2. Free web hosting is temporary
If you opt for free hosting, there is no reliability of its long term existence. So you cannot make future plans, as there is unpredictability involved. Your free hosting provider could close up shop tomorrow and leave you high and dry. There is a possibility of a paid hosting company going under as well, however, they provide you with an account that can help you download your website database and website.
This will help you easily migrate it to its new location with a different host. So you don’t have to worry about losing all of your hard work. You can continue working without a glitch.
3. Website security
Website security is one of the biggest concerns for all Website owners. While the security measures that we put in place are improving, so are the types of viruses and malicious attacks. Hence, regardless of the size of your website, web security is crucial. Your website security might not be included in the package you receive from your free hosting service.
In case your website faces any problem or attacks, you could potentially lose all of your data along with your users to a flaw in your security. Paid hosting providers, on the other hand, offer a much higher level of security and make it their responsibility to ensure that it is protected at all costs.
4. Tech support
While most web-hosting providers, even those that offer their services for free, will have a tech support team to help you, it is not the same. They usually take a day or two to reply to your auditors and offer only limited ways to get in touch with them, such as emails. This can prove to be a costly endeavour, as you could end up losing customers and revenue if your issue is major and time-sensitive and isn’t resolved on time.
Plus, they might not afford to hire tech staff that has a substantial amount of experience or expertise that is needed to take care of various issues. There are certain problems that require a proper understanding of hosting and its niches, which your tech professional might not.
Paid web hosting, on the other hand, guarantees tech support with professionals that are extremely qualified and experienced. They are available night and day, whenever you need them through calls, texts, tickets and emails. So you don’t have to wait several days to get your issue resolved. They have a rapid response time.
Free hosting could be extremely tempting, but it might not be the right option as time goes on. Keep in mind that it takes a lot of time and effort to build a website so you need to ensure you choose the best web hosting service for it. While it could be a cost-effective option short term, it will not be conducive as time passes by. Plus once your website starts growing and attracting traffic the need for resources will also start growing.